ISOIL Industria Spa

ISOMAG flowmeters for large flow rates and high pressures. Our success in Algeria

We are proud to announce the completion of one of our largest and most complex projects ever: the supply of 26 ISOMAG DN500-1800 flowmeters for a new desalination plant in Algeria. Overcoming significant challenges in terms of logistics, delivery management and international relations, we have made our contribution to the supply of drinking water in a country highly subject to water stress, by deploying our expertise and ability to innovate.


Desalination: the solution to water scarcity in Algeria

impianto di desalinizzazione

Algeria is considered among the driest countries in the world and is ranked 29th in the World Resources Institute (WRI) list of the most drought-affected countries. The problem of water scarcity is worsening due to population growth (Algeria’s population was 41.3 million in 2017 and is expected to reach 57.4 million by 2050) and low rainfall due to climate change. Faced with this criticality, the North African country is increasingly resorting to seawater desalination, with the aim of covering 60% of its water needs by 2030: in addition to the numerous desalination plants already in operation that support dams dedicated to the supply of drinking water, according to what was announced by the Minister of Hydraulics, Taha Derbal, between 2025 and 2030 other new large plants will be built.
Flow meters play a crucial role in desalination plants, measuring the flow of water during the different phases of the treatment process and ensuring operational efficiency and ISOIL Industria was chosen as the technological partner for the supply of flow meters for a new desalination plant built in the country: the need was to ensure the monitoring of large flow rates at high pressures in difficult environmental conditions, maintaining high standards of precision and durability.


An extraordinary project

ISOMAG per grandi portate

Our ISOMAG electromagnetic flowmeters have been meeting the flow measurement needs in many industrial applications for many years, thanks to the numerous advantages they are able to offer.
Among these we include: the absence of moving parts that reduce maintenance requirements; the absence of flow obstructions resulting in negligible pressure drops; corrosion resistance; high accuracy; the ability to work even in the absence of upstream and downstream straight sections (U0/Do) according to ISO4064 requirements; the ability to operate with fluid temperatures up to 180°C; the possibility of being powered by the mains or by integrated alkaline or lithium batteries; the ability to monitor and store the meter status and measurement conditions thanks to the built-in BIV (Built in Verificator) verifier; UMTS/GPRS wireless communication.

The ability of these instruments to be manufactured in large DN (from 3 to 3000 mm) and for nominal pressures up to 250 bar was crucial to the success of the project in Algeria. For the newly built desalination plant, we supplied 26 ISOMAG DN500-1800 meters, including 10 of DN1400 PN25/PN40 and 3 of DN1800 PN10/PN25.


Beyond technical and logistical challenges

In addition to the technical complexity of producing flowmeters of this size, one of the most challenging aspects of the project was logistics management: the delivery of the equipment required careful planning, the involvement and coordination of special transport and impeccable management of timing.
We are proud to have overcome the difficulties we encountered in an excellent way by putting our expertise, experience and professionalism into play and to have demonstrated the quality of our products and services in the most diverse countries around the world.
Another key factor in the success of the project was the management of relationships with the end customer and the local distributor: we were able to communicate effectively with all parties involved to ensure timely resolution of unforeseen events and full satisfaction of needs.

If you need tailor-made solutions for complex challenges, don’t hesitate to contact our specialists.