ISOIL Industria Spa


flowmeters for water

Water sector challenges and innovations at the WDSA/CCWI conference

We are proud to be Gold Sponsor of the joint WDSA/CCWI (Water Distribution Systems Analysis / Computing and Control for the Water Industry) conference, an international event on the analysis and control of water distribution systems to be held in Ferrara  from July 1st to 4th. The event brings together representatives of the academic world,...
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World Water Day: underground water, a hidden treasure

World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March. This year, the focus is “Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible”, a hidden treasure that enriches our lives and that will play a fundamental role in adapting to climate change and meeting the needs of a growing population. We must  manage this precious resource in a sustainable way and...
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March 22nd: World Water Day

Without a full understanding of the value of water we will not be able to safeguard this finite and irreplaceable resource. The theme of water enhancement is at the center of the World Water Day, which will be celebrated on 22 March.   How much is the water worth? The value of water is higher...
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