Isoil Lamon
(31) 3373-1552

ISOFLUX® – Energy meter model IFX 03

Brochure & Data Sheet

ISOFLUX, model IFX-Mx-03 is an ultrasonic energy and flow meter that can be used for the measurement of energy consumption for fluids, even other than water, in closed or open energy systems, and also for the indication of water consumption.

The main features and advantages are:
all counters are certified MI004 according to European standard EN1434, IFX-M4-03
The counters can be used for the calculation of thermal or cooling energy, and for the measurement of the flow rate.
The IFX-Mx-03 range starts from DN15 up to DN50 in a compact version.
Two additional impulse inputs for external flow meters (sanitary).
Alarm functions can be integrated.
Integrated data-logger: daily recordings.
Integrated battery power supply.
Possibility to choose the list of parameters to be displayed.

Brochure & Data Sheet

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